Exterior Colors

When choosing paint colors for your exterior, remember to think about value, chroma, and contrast.

If you are getting ready to choose new colors for the exterior of your home, be sure to consider value, chroma, and contrast along with your color selections. Too often we focus only on hue, i.e., do we want a blue, green, yellow or red house? Let’s break it down:

Value - value refers to how light or dark a color is. Colors out in the bright sun will appear lighter than they do inside, so always test them outdoors. I notice people tend to shy away from darker choices, but they can be very beautiful and help a house blend more with surrounding trees. If your home is in the forest, and you want it to stand out less, consider choosing a darker color.

Chroma - chroma refers to how pure the color is without the addition of white, black, or gray to tone it down. What looks pretty on a paint fan may actually be obnoxiously bright on a house exterior. Again, large paint swatches outdoors can help you determine if you have chosen a color that is too saturated to be a good choice for the exterior of your home.

Contrast - the contrast between the body and trim color is very important to consider. High contrast, such as a dark gray body with a bright white trim, will bring a lot of attention to the trim details. It can also be harder on our eyes. If you have a house with beautiful proportions, say a classic Victorian Farmhouse, its fine to choose a higher contrast color combination. If you have a house that is more of a hodge-podge of different styles and eras, going low contrast will draw less attention to awkward proportions or details. You can even consider ‘‘color drenching’’ which is using the same color on both the body and trim.

Painting your house is a big investment, and it can dramatically transform a building for the better. So take your time, do your research, and make your sample swatches. You might also consider hiring a color professional to help you get there more quickly and more successfully. Please visit my contact page if you are looking for assistance making beautiful color selections.


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